We've met many nice casino bartenders that will normally give you a 'clue' when the slots are hot. After an hour or so they'll back the odds off again (they use little handheld calculator-looking devices that connect via a small chrome ball at the end of each row of machines). They will also change the odds for short periods of time such as immediately following early seating when folks are wandering through the casino. When you visit ports that have casinos the odds usually pick up. Normally the first couple of nights are low odds (especially if you have a sea day or two). From my experience they change the odds depending on the amount of guests frequenting the casino on any given cruise and night. I spend a lot of time in the casinos onboard (and at ports) and have witnessed the slot odds being changed. Any thoughts? I'm under deposit for the Coral and just want to know if I should stay away from the casino.
I'm wondering if others have experienced the same or is it just me. I've never had such bad luck as on the Sun Princess.